Tuesday, November 25, 2008


“I like the word 'indolence'. It makes my laziness seem classy.” - Bern Williams

Now that I've finished working on "Poppi" (A completed pic is coming, I promise) and I'm just waiting for it to dry I seem to have hit a streak of laziness...er, I mean indolence. In the time that I've been waiting on "Poppi" to dry I've completed two sketches; gave up on painting one before I started; and began painting the other, just to quit after 30 minutes. However, in those 30 minutes I learned that it is extremely difficult to paint small faces with a knife. And the face looks even worse when you scrape the paint off and the dyed canvas reveals the flat, distorted remnants of a once-promising piece of art.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Poppi - Update 4 - Almost Finished!

Okay, all that's left is to paint Poppi's shirt, and fix his right eye. I added a little bit of a highlight around that eye that ended up being too much of a highlight. So I need to soften that up a little bit and maybe give a little highlight around his left eye socket. That should do it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Poppi - Update 3

So I got some time to work on "Poppi" tonight and thought I'd go ahead and post the progress. Still a little uncertain how well this painting is going to turn out, but I like the progress so far. Tomorrow I'll start the eyes and mouth .

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Poppi - Update 2

Here is the second version. I went back over the initial paint I put on the canvas to give the face fatter strokes and more direction, which I hope helps to give the face some form. I still have plenty of work to do on the nose, but I think I'm starting to like the way it is turning out.


This is a piece I started last night, and I'm not sure exactly how it's going to turn out. The reference photo for this piece is a man known as "Poppi" on an island in the Bahamas (thanks to "LisaLucky" at Wetcanvas! for the photo). This is the second installment in my series of paintings to hone my portraiture skills and I fear it's going to be a long, uphill battle to master!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blue Trombone

This is a piece I just completed for a friend. The "guidelines" I was given simply required that it be a jazzy piece, with cool colors and extra points for having a trombone player in the painting.

It is the first piece I've ever done with a palette knife, and the second oil painting overall. All-in-all, I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out!

The Start of Something Good?

I have set up this blog so I can post pictures of and information about each new painting I create. The intent is for this page to serve as a work-in-progress outlet for me to share my thoughts on my creative process, the painting, and anything else I might feel the need to share while painting. I hope this site serves you as well as it will (hopefully) serve me.

If you'd like to know more about me please feel free to check out the "About Me" section or contact me. I'll be glad to talk to you!